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Supporting Immgrant Rights in our Communities
Supporting Immgrant Rights in our Communities
About Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance
Strengthening Sanctuary Alliance was founded in December 2016, shortly after Donald Trump was elected President. We oppose Trump's immigration policies and their impacts on our immigrant neighbors, friends, co-workers and family members. We believe every member of our community has the right to feel safe and valued. We dedicate ourselves to learning the skills and doing the work to ensure that our community is a welcoming and supportive place for everyone.
We supported our city council to declare Olympia a Sanctuary City. You can find the Sanctuary City declaration here.
We have organized ourselves into work groups to offer Know Your Rights workshops and presentations to local schools. We follow the actions of local law enforcement closely and meet with them frequently. We work with state legislators to support legislation guaranteeing immigrant rights. You can find more information about Strengthening Sanctuary's work groups here.
We are proud to support the Greater South Sound Network for Immigrant and Refugee Support which has established a Sanctuary at our local synagogue, Temple Beth Hatfiloh. You can find more information about sanctuary here.
We have suspended meetings until Washington State relaxes its social distancing orders. We hope to return to regular monthly meetings soon on the first Monday of every month. In the meantime, please view the following video of a talk that one of our members, Steffani Powell, gave at a community fundraiser in the summer of 2018. Find the link here.
For more information, write to us at:
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