Supporting Immgrant Rights in our Communities
Supporting Immgrant Rights in our Communities
Resources in the Time of Covid-19/Recursos en el Tiempo de Covid-19
Also: see Our News Blog
1. General Information:
Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network Hotline: 1-844-724-3737
Washington State Department of Health Call Center: 1-800-525-0127
King County Coronavirus update in multiple languages:
2. Policy Updates:
National Immigration Law Center: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Relief Bills on Immigrant Communities
3. Anti-racist, anti-bias supports:
Asian-American Feminist Collective:
4. Workers:
“Work in the Time of Covid: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Their Families”
Presentation by Amy Leibman, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Migrant Clinicians Network and Dr. Ed Zuroweste—in English
Recursos Sobre Covid 19 Para Los Trabajadores—from the Washington State Labor Council:
Casa Latina Facebook: “No Puedo Trabajar Porque Cerró La Escuela De Mis Hijos, y Tengo Que Cuidarlos
5. Supporting People Who are Incarcerated or Detained
Open Letter to ICE from Medical Professionals Regarding COVID-19
Update from Maru Mora Villalpando of La Resistencia about conditions in the Northwest Detention Center:
From Detention Watch Network:
#FreeThemAll: a toolkit to support local demands for mass release of people in ICE custody.
LiberenATodxs: Kit de Herramientas Para Apoyar Demandas Locales Para La LIberación Masiva de Personas Bajo Custodia de ICE