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Coronovirus: What You Need to Know


For free translation help:

Community Interpreter Line: 888-429-3464

COVID Call Center:1-800-525-0127

The coronavirus is highly contagious, so it's important to take precautions. Practice "social distancing"--don't shake hands, avoid crowds, and stand a few feet away from other people when you can. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face.

Washington schools are closed until April 24th. Colleges and universities have gone to on-line teaching to avoid bringing groups of people together. Restaurants are closed, except for take-out or home delivery, and many stores have also closed or cut their hours. These are all measures meant to prevent the virus from spreading.

Many people who developed the coronavirus had mild cases. But 10-20% of those get sick will have much more severe symptoms. The main symptoms of the coronavirus are: a high fever, a cough and difficulty breathing/ shortness of breath.

If you think you have the coronavirus, don't go to work. Stay home if you can. Ask a friend, family member of neighbor to help you by picking up your children or getting groceries. If you have a doctor, call them and ask what to do. They may advise you to stay home and "self-quarantine." This means you'll avoid going outside or having contact with anyone, even other family members. Your doctor may also advise you come in and be tested to see if you have the COVID-19.

If you don't have a doctor or health insurance and live in Thurston County, you can go to one of Providence's three Urgent Care Centers:

West Olympia Immediate Care

1620 Cooper Point Rd., S.W., Olympia

(360) 486-6710

8:00am-7:30pm Monday through Friday

9:00am-4:30pm Saturday and Sunday

Lacey Family Medicine

4800 College Street, Lacey

(360) 413-4200

8:00am– 7:30pm Monday- Friday

9:00am – 4:30pm Saturday/Sunday

Hawkes Prairie Family Medicine

2555 Marvin Rd. N.E., Lacey

(360) 413-4200

7:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Friday

The cost is $75, but no one will be turned away. The clinics have can arrange for translation, and can arrange for you to be tested if they think you need it.

If the clinics are closed and your symptoms are severe, go to the Emergency Room at Providence St. Peter's Hospital:

413 Lily Rd., N.E., Olympia

They are open 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

The Washington State Health Department has information about COVID-19:

The Thurston County Health Department also has information::

Here are handouts from the Washington State Health Department:



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